Legislature(1999 - 2000)

03/08/2000 04:06 PM Senate LEC

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL                                                                                                             
March 8, 2000                                                                                                                   
1.    ROLL CALL                                                                                                               
The Legislative  Council meeting  was called  to order  at 4:06  p.m. by                                                        
Senator Mike  Miller, Legislative Council  Chair, in the  Butrovich Room                                                        
at the Alaska State Capitol.                                                                                                    
The roll was taken.  In  attendance were Council members Miller, Donley,                                                        
Hoffman, Tim Kelly, Leman,  Pearce, Torgerson, Berkowitz, Cowdery, Ogan,                                                        
Phillips, and Porter.   Members absent were Barnes and  Rokeberg.  Staff                                                        
present were Varni,  Cook, Finley, Gullufsen,  Ibesate, Price, Schofield                                                        
and Wyatt.                                                                                                                      
2.    APPROVAL OF THE JANUARY 20, 2000 MEETING MINUTES                                                                        
Senator Pearce  moved the  minutes of  the January  20, 2000  meeting be                                                        
With no objection the motion was approved unanimously.                                                                          
3.    LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS AGENCY FY 01 BUDGET                                                                                 
Pam  Varni,  Executive Director  gave  an  overview of  the  Legislative                                                        
Affairs Agency's  (LAA) FY 01  Budget.  Representative Porter  moved the                                                        
LAA FY 01 Budget be sent to the Finance Committees.                                                                             
With  no  objection  the  LAA   budget  was  forwarded  to  the  Finance                                                        
Committees. The motion was approved unanimously.                                                                                
4.    OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN FY 01 BUDGET                                                                                    
Maria  Moya Acting  Ombudsman  gave an  overview of  the  Office of  the                                                        
Ombudsman's FY  01 Budget.  Senator Leman, Representatives  Phillips and                                                        
Cowdery presented discussion regarding  the Anchorage building lease and                                                        
rental fees. Senator Miller moved the Ombudsman  FY 01 budget be sent to                                                        
the Finance Committees.                                                                                                         
With  no objection,  the Ombudsman  FY 01  budget was  forwarded to  the                                                        
Finance Committees.                                                                                                             
5.    REVISOR'S BILL                                                                                                          
Pam Finley, Revisor  of Statutes gave an overview of  the 2000 Revisor's                                                        
Senator Tim  Kelly moved  that the Legislative  Council submit  the bill                                                        
for introduction in both Houses.                                                                                                
With no objection the motion was approved unanimously.                                                                          
6.    PUBLIC OPINION MESSAGE (POM) POLICY REVISION                                                                            
Sue Gullufen  Information and  Teleconference Manager, gave  an overview                                                        
of the POM policy approved by  Legislative Council in 1985 and discussed                                                        
how POMs are  handled at the LIOs  now.  Discussion followed  by Senator                                                        
Leman,     Representative     Phillips,    Representative     Berkowitz,                                                        
Representative Porter and Senator Torgerson.                                                                                    
Representative  Berkowitz moved  to amend  the policy  by moving  the 50                                                        
words  or  less requirement  to  the  first  paragraph rather  than  the                                                        
confidential section of the policy.                                                                                             
Representative  Berkowitz   moved  to  amend  the   acceptable  ways  of                                                        
presenting  a  POM  to  include  email   as  long  as  it  includes  all                                                        
information that is required in any POM.                                                                                        
With no objection the two amendments to the POM policy were adopted.                                                            
Representative    Porter   and    Senator   Torgerson    discussed   the                                                        
interpretation  of  special  needs.   Senator  Torgerson  suggested  the                                                        
amended POM policy be brought back to the Council at a future meeting.                                                          
Senator  Miller stated  the policy  will be  brought back  at the  April                                                        
meeting with the two amendments adopted.                                                                                        
7.    TRAVEL AGENCY FEES                                                                                                      
Pam  Varni,  Executive  Director  gave  an  overview  of  three  options                                                        
regarding Travel Agency fees for services.                                                                                      
1.    Pay fees to all travel agencies.                                                                                          
2.    Encourage  offices  to  use  agencies that  do  not  charge  fees,                                                        
however, if a fee                                                                                                               
       is charged then Legislative Affairs will pay the bill.                                                                   
3.    Not pay  any fees.   If a fee  is charged, the  individual offices                                                        
will be charged.                                                                                                                
Senator Miller  recapped the general  feeling of committee  to encourage                                                        
legislators to  use travel  agencies not  charging a  fee, but  in cases                                                        
where a fee is charged the Legislature will pay the fee.                                                                        
8.    ANCHORAGE VAN APPROVAL                                                                                                  
Senator  Miller appraised  the  Council  that a  van  was purchased  for                                                        
Anchorage. Senator  Leman wanted it  known for the record,  the purchase                                                        
was made because the old van was unsafe and needed major maintenance.                                                           
With no objection the van purchase was approved unanimously.                                                                    
9.    ALASKA STATUTE CONTRACT                                                                                                 
Information  was  distributed  regarding  the contract  for  the  Alaska                                                        
Statutes.  Options included submitting the  contract to a bid process or                                                        
extending the  current contract. This item  will be brought back  at the                                                        
April meeting.                                                                                                                  
10.   LEGAL SERVICES CONTRACT AMENDMENTS                                                                                      
Senator Pearce  stated the  contract for legal  services related  to the                                                        
BP/AMOCO merger needed to be amended.                                                                                           
Senator Pearce  moved the  Legislative Council  amend the  contracts for                                                        
legal  services related  to  the proposed  merger  between BP/AMOCO  and                                                        
Atlantic Richfield in the amount of   $27,000 for Preston, Gates & Ellis                                                        
and  in the  amount  of $266,589  for Collier,  Shannon,  Rill &  Scott.                                                        
Funding for  these amendments would  be from the unobligated  balance of                                                        
the  BP  Merger  fund,  $100,000  from  Legislative  Council  funds  and                                                        
$174,589 equally from the House and Senate Operating Budget funds.                                                              
Representative Phillips  objected to  the amendment  for the  purpose of                                                        
discussion.     A  discussion   followed  by   Representative  Phillips,                                                        
Representative Berkowitz and Senator Tm Kelly.                                                                                  
Senator  Tim  Kelly  clarified   amending  contracts  from  $250,000  to                                                        
$516,589 for  Collier, Shannon, Rill &  Scott and  $175,000  to $202,000                                                        
for Preston, Gates & Ellis.                                                                                                     
Hearing objection a roll call vote was taken.                                                                                   
Roll Call                                                                                                                       
YEAS:       Miller,   Donley,   Hoffman,   Leman,   Pearce,   Torgerson,                                                        
            Berkowitz, Cowdery and Porter.                                                                                      
NAYS:       Tim Kelly, Ogan, and Phillips                                                                                       
ABSENT:     Barnes and Rokeberg                                                                                                 
The motion passed.                                                                                                              
11.   REPORT FROM THE ATTORNEY GENERAL                                                                                        
Bruce Botelho, Attorney  General, suggested the information  to be given                                                        
on a number of cases should take place in Executive Session.                                                                    
Representatives  Phillips  moved  that  the Council  go  into  Executive                                                        
Session for  the purpose of  discussing information that may  be harmful                                                        
to the State.                                                                                                                   
Legislative  Council  moved  to  Executive  Session  at  4:45  p.m.  and                                                        
returned to an open meeting at 6:45 p.m.                                                                                        
The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m.                                                                                          

Document Name Date/Time Subjects